Is A Fiancé Visa The Same As A Marriage Visa?

A Fiancé Visa is available to fiancés of U.S. citizens. The fiancé who is living outside the U.S. is required to marry a United States citizen within 90 days of arriving in the United States.

The Fiancé Visa is available to fiancés of United States citizens only. Fiancés of lawful permanent residents of the U.S. are ineligible for fiance visas.

The citizen and the fiancé are usually required to have met in person at least once during the past two years. This requirement, however, may be able to be waived in certain specific, limited circumstances. To successfully pursue a Fiancé Visa, the U.S. citizen and fiancé are required to prove that the relationship is authentic.

Bottom Line Differences Between A Fiancé Visa And A Marriage Visa?

In contrast, a Marriage Visa is available to spouses of both U.S. citizens and spouses of lawful permanent residents of the United States (green card holders). The marriage-based green card may get pursued through consular processing for foreign national spouses not living in the U.S. or through status adjustment for qualifying spouses in the United States.

To successfully pursue a Marriage Visa as a married couple, it is necessary to prove that the marriage is bona fide (genuine). Thus, obtaining an immigration benefit is not a sham.

Many couples who wish to enjoy life together are considering whether to pursue a Fiancé or a Marriage Visa and focus on which approach would be quicker. Either direction can lead to obtaining a green card. Contact a knowledgeable and experienced Immigration Attorney at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost.

Significant Difference Between A Fiancé Visa And A Marriage Visa

We can offer you legal advice with a free consultation by calling our immigration law firm at 267-223-5862.

Our law firm can help you decide whether a fiancé visa or a Marriage Visa would be the better approach for you.

Difference Between A Fiancé And A Marriage Visa

Permanent Resident

K-1 Visa Process

K-1 Visa Process

citizenship and immigration services

Immigrant Visa


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