Immigration Bond Hearing Lawyer And Immigration Hearing

When an individual who is not a United States citizen violates immigration law or is convicted of committing a crime, they may be taken into custody and detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Once detained, the individual can then request that an Immigration Judge conduct a Bond Redetermination Hearing.

The detainee can request that the Immigration Judge set a bond if ICE has declined to do so. If ICE has set a bond, it is higher than the detainee or his family members can afford to pay. The individual can ask the Immigration Judge to reduce the bond amount or order that they be released on their own recognizance without requiring that it be paid.

The individual can request that the Immigration Judge schedule a Bond Redetermination Hearing. This is even if they have not been placed in removal proceedings before the Immigration Court.

How Can An Immigration Lawyer Help With Bond Hearing?

The knowledgeable and experienced immigration lawyers at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can answer your questions with professionalism and expertise. Contact our immigration attorneys at 267-223-5862 for expert legal advice and support with your immigration needs. We will aggressively advocate on your behalf, ensuring your needs are met, and your rights are protected.

We can address concerns if ICE has taken our client or their family member into custody. Our Immigration Bond Hearing Lawyer can provide legal representation at a bond redetermination hearing before an Immigration Judge.

Suppose the detainee qualifies for a Bond Redetermination Hearing. They will have to show to the Immigration Judge that they are not a flight risk and that they don't present a danger to the community. Our experienced immigration attorney can advise our clients or family members on how to assemble the documentation necessary for their immigration court hearing. This is to satisfy the Immigration Judge that they qualify for a favorable decision in a Bond Redetermination Hearing.

Which Factors Does A Judge Consider When Determining The Amount Of My Bond?

The court will consider several variables when determining the appropriate bail amount, including your

  • Capacity to Pay

  • Criminal History

  • Community Links

  • And Flight Risk

In addition, they'll consider the seriousness of the offense and whether you represent a risk to public safety.

The Role Of An Immigration Lawyer In Bond Hearings Proceedings

We can prepare our clients to give the Immigration Court a persuasive testimony to support the request to have your bond favorably redetermined. Our lawyers can provide good advice about which witnesses should be called on behalf of the detainee. We can help prepare those witnesses to testify in support of your request for release from custody at an immigration detention center. We can present persuasive and compelling arguments in favor of your freedom, taking into consideration your criminal history, to the Immigration Judge.

Under United States immigration laws, ICE may detain individuals who are not U.S. citizens if they commit immigration violations, such as being present in this country without being legally admitted. ICE may also detain individuals who stay beyond the period permitted by their nonimmigrant visas or those accused of committing immigration fraud.

ICE detains non-citizens convicted of committing crimes, even if they are lawful permanent residents or Green Card Holders. ICE may detain individuals even if the criminal offenses they are accused of are relatively minor. If you or a loved one are detained by ICE, do not hesitate to act promptly. Contact the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost in Philadelphia, PA, for a free consultation today.

Immigration Lawyers Who Handle Deportation Cases

The law offices of Dizengoff and Yost in Philadelphia and New Jersey have had the honor of representing and assisting many clients in receiving immigration bonds. The legal team at our immigration law firm comprises individuals committed to defending clients facing deportation from the US. The bond procedure has several phases. It would help if you were sure we could assist you at every stage, from securing a bond to your personal hearing.

These are just some questions that our skilled immigration lawyer will be able to answer:

  • How long does it take to get an immigration bond hearing?

  • What is a bond hearing in immigration court?

  • What are the chances of getting an immigration bond?

  • Who is eligible for an immigration bond?

  • Who is not eligible for an immigration bond?

  • Can you bail someone out of immigration?

Help Provide Multiple Forms Of Evidence To Demonstrate

Help Provide Multiple Forms Of Evidence To Demonstrate

How Can A Bond Hearing Immigration Lawyer Help With My Bond Hearing?

When you contact us, we will listen to you closely and advise you of your or your loved one's rights under the United States immigration laws. We will treat you and your loved ones with dignity, respect, and sensitivity. We will be available to do everything within our power to help secure your or your family member's release on the most favorable terms possible.

Our Immigration Lawyers collectively have decades of experience handling Bond Redetermination Hearings before Immigration Judges in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and throughout the country. Let us apply our skills and expertise to you and your family regarding your immigration case. Call our Philadelphia, PA, law firm at 267-223-5862 for a free consultation with our experienced attorneys, who can provide personalized legal help tailored to your specific needs.

Working With An Immigration Attorney For Bond Redetermination

Immigration Bond Hearing Immigration Lawyer

Immigration Bond Hearing immigration Lawyer

Immigration Bond Hearing Process

Immigration Bond Hearing Process