Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver I 601a

Some actions can endanger one’s immigration status or prevent an individual from being approved for legal permanent residency to stay in the country. Committing a minor criminal offense can have serious legal consequences that may render that individual inadmissible, potentially barring them from entry. This may ultimately lead to removal proceedings or deportation, requiring the individual to leave the United States. To illustrate, an applicant may inadvertently violate the law by staying beyond the time restrictions.

In other cases, being found to have committed immigration fraud or misrepresenting one's case may cause disqualification of the applicant from admission to the United States, leading to inadmissibility. When a situation like this occurs, it is essential to understand all available legal options and explore them.

At the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost, our attorneys are adept at examining cases in which an immigration violation or a criminal offense has been committed. Our Provisional Unlawful Presence Waivers Lawyer can apply our in-depth understanding of immigration law, procedure, and policy to discern the best approach.

The I 601a Provisional Waiver of Unlawful Presence

Our clients may not know that there are quite a few ways that minor Criminal Offenses can be forgiven for immigration purposes through the use of a waiver. As soon as your immigration case becomes your top priority, give us a call so we can start working together. Call us for a free consultation with our immigration attorneys at 267-223-5862.

Applying for a Waiver may be an excellent way for an individual to remain in the United States. With our assistance, we provide our clients with the opportunity to present the best possible waiver application to complete the application process successfully.

An application for a Provisional Waiver (also known as a "stateside waiver") can be filed with USCIS if an individual has an unlawful presence in the United States. This often results from someone jumping the border or entering the United States without permission.

Provisional Waiver Immigration Lawyer For I 601a

The I-601a Provisional Waiver is a request made to USCIS to forgive unlawful presence in the United States and be filed with USCIS without departing this country. A few conditions must be met for a person to be eligible to apply for a Provisional Waiver

  • Suffer extreme hardship of a qualifying relative

  • Physically being present in the United States to apply for a visa

  • Being the beneficiary of an approved I-130 petition.

To further clarify, an I-130 form is filed by a current U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who wishes to petition for an eligible relative so that the relative can get a Green Card in the U.S.

Extreme hardship can refer to a significant financial burden, severe ongoing medical problems, or undue strain on the qualifying relative’s well-being per immigration law.

The burden of proof for these circumstances lies on the applicant, who must satisfy USCIS standards. The immigration attorneys at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can help clients navigate the waiver process. We want to prepare the best possible Waiver and provisional waiver applications.

What Is Next After I-601a Waiver Approval?

After an I-601a waiver is approved, the next step is to briefly depart the U.S. to get your green card through consular processing. This step of the process is typically highly expedient. You can often return to the U.S. with a green card in a few weeks or less.

Time is often of the best essence. Learn about your rights and potential eligibility for a waiver or a provisional waiver. We encourage you to contact an I-601a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver Lawyer from the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost for a free consultation.

Bottom Line Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver I 601a

We ensure that all our clients have the proper guidance and the best possible opportunity to overcome any legal difficulties, potentially with an immigration waiver or provisional waiver.

With over 35 years of collective tireless devotion to immigration law, we are truly confident that we can deliver the impeccable legal representation that our clients deserve. Give us a call so we can begin working together as soon as your immigration case becomes the most important thing to you. Call our law firm for a free consultation at 267-223-5862.

I-601A - Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver

Lawful Permanent Residents

I-601a Waiver Attorney

I-601a Waiver Attorney

Approved Immigrant Visa Petition

Approved Immigrant Visa Petition