Green Card Through The Abandonment Of A Spouse
Individuals often inquire if they can obtain a Green Card Through Spouse Abandonment. For example, perhaps the individual married.
A Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) of the United States
Green Card Application Applying For A Green Card After Spouse Abandonment
Fully expecting that they would remain together with their spouse. However, the U.S. citizen or LPR spouse subsequently disappoints the individual by abandoning them and their marriage.
How To Obtain A Green Card After A Divorce Or Spousal Abandonment
Spousal abandonment often takes place after a history of unfortunate suffering and abuse. The question then arises whether the individual can get LPR status or a Green Card even though the U.S. citizen or LPR spouse abandoned the individual.
The answer is that it may be possible for an individual to get a green card under certain circumstances even though their United States citizen spouse left them.
What Happens If You Divorce Before The Green Card Interview?
If you divorce before the green card interview, or even if your marriage begins to fail or falter, you may need to change course drastically. You may, for example, be able to pivot from a spousal petition to a self-petition if you are a victim of spousal abuse. There may be other alternatives to consider as well.
Spousal Abandonment Immigration
Many people who experience marital difficulty or Divorce before the green card interview find it highly beneficial to consult an experienced immigration lawyer. An immigration attorney can help you assess your options and identify those that may be the best fit for you, given your facts, circumstances, and history.
Immigration Services, If You Need Immigration Help, Call Attorneys Today.
A skilled and experienced immigration lawyer can advise you on whether you qualify for a green card. They can also offer guidance on your loved one's eligibility, even in the face of spousal abandonment.
To get the answers to all of your essential immigration-related questions, contact the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost. Call for a free consultation today at 267-223-5862. We will provide you with expert advice and guidance for your Green Card Through Spouse Abandonment. We are here to help you.