Do I Need An Immigration Lawyer For Green Card?

Should I Hire A Lawyer For A Green Card?

Many people who are applying for a Green Card find it helpful to hire an immigration lawyer. This is the case because applying for lawful permanent resident status (a green card) can be extremely complicated and confusing. A lawyer can help you avoid mistakes and make sure that your green card application is thoroughly prepared and well-supported.

A pared immigration application for a green card can result in costly delays and even the denial of your green card application. Just having to refile an unnecessarily denied green card application can be pretty expensive, given the substantial filing fees associated with green card applications. You'll need to hire a Lawyer, and it is important to hire an immigration lawyer. That is a lawyer who is skilled and experienced in the areas of immigration law, procedure, and policy.

Can A Lawyer Speed Up The Green Card Process?

While there is no guaranteed way to speed up the green card process, a skilled immigration attorney can often help you navigate the complex and bureaucratic system. Also, a lawyer can provide you with legal advice on how to prepare your case best. These interview potential sponsors will vouch for your Green Card application and represent you during court proceedings if needed.

A good law firm should also be experienced in immigration law and know how to deal with red tape. By working closely with them from the beginning, you will probably achieve a faster turnaround time for your green card application.

Do I Need An Immigration Lawyer For A Green Card?

The knowledgeable immigration lawyers at the Law Offices of Dizengoff and Yost can provide you with legal advice and representation regarding your application for a Green Card. For a free consultation, contact our immigration law firm in Philadelphia at 267-223-5862.

Do I Need An Immigration Lawyer For Green Card

Do I Need An Immigration Lawyer For Green Card?

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